Vertglas #2 Boat Wash
We do not have Vertglas in stock. We received our last shipment from Vertglas in May 2012. Since that time, we have not been able to contact them by telephone or E-mail.
Since 2012, we have been recommending the MS40 Boat and RV Wash to customers that have used Vertglas.
Learn more about MS Gel Coat Restoration Kits
The Vertglas Boat Wash is specially formulated to bring out the best shine possible with Vertglas.
We do not have Vertglas #2 Boat Wash in stock. We received our last shipment from Vertglas in May 2012. Since that time, we have not been able to contact them by telephone or E-mail.
Since 2012, we have been recommending the MS 40 Boat and RV Wash to customers to replace the Vertglas #2 Boat Washr. The process is the same as using the Vertglas #2 Boat Wash and you can follow the instructions in the Vertglas User Guide.