Heavy-Duty MS GelCoat Restoration Kit - MarineStore.com
Heavy-Duty MS GelCoat Restoration Kit

Heavy-Duty MS GelCoat Restoration Kit

Gel Coat Restoration Kit for Boats to 30 ft .and RV or Motor Homes to 35 ft. with heavy oxidation. This the same as our smaller MS GelCoat Restoration Kit but includes two 16 ounce bottles of the MS 31 Oxidation Remover, 2 scrub pads, and one 32 oz. bottle of the MS 51 Sealer and Color Restorer.

Includes everything you need to restore shine to your boat, RV or motorhome.
  • MS 31 Oxidation Remover - 2 Each 16 Ounce bottles
  • White Non-Abrasive Scrub Pad - 2 Each
  • MS 40 Boat and RV Wash - 8 Ounces
  • MS 51 Sealer and Color Restorer - 32 Ounces
  • Sealer Applicator 4 Inch - 1 Each
  • MS 60 Sealer Remover - 16 Ounces
  • Sprayer for the Sealer Remover - 1 Each
  • Product Information Sheets - 1 Set
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